

Therefore, if we determine that any offered material warrants a physical review, we will be requesting that potential donors hold on to their material a little longer so that we may work to ship your material once we return to our regular operations. The JDK does not provide any direct implementations of this interface: it provides implementations of more specific subinterfaces like Set and List. Some collections allow duplicate elements and others do not. A Grade II listed Georgian town house, it was originally restored with support from. NOTE: From 4.0, method parameters will take Iterable objects when possible. The Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art opened in London in 1998. In case the input objects override Object.equals(Object), it is mandatory that the general contract of the Object.hashCode() method is maintained. Committed to preserving, exhibiting, and interpreting exemplary works of art, the museum houses exceptional collections of Asian art, with more than 44,000 objects dating from. Paul Getty Museum comprises Greek, Roman, and Etruscan art from the Neolithic to Late Antiquity European art from the Middle Ages to the early twentieth century and international photography from its inception to the present day. Sackler Gallery, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art, are located on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Collection (Getty Museum) The collection of the J. Various utility methods might put the input objects into a Set/Map/Bag. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center and the Getty Villa. As a result, non-mission-critical functions, such as the shipment of material to our collections storage facility, are being postponed. A collection represents a group of objects, known as its elements. Provides utility methods and decorators for Collection instances. *Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Museum’s standard operations have been significantly curtailed. If you have an important object/collection you believe the Museum should consider, start by submitting our collections information form at the link below. If accepted, issuance of the Deed of Gift.Review and vote by the NMAAHC Collections Committee to recommend accepting or not accepting the object/collection.Presentation of a proposal to acquire the object/collection by a Museum Curator to the NMAAHC Collections Committee.

#Collection verification

Verification of the authenticity of the object/collection.If the object/collection warrants further evaluation, physical review of the object/collection by curatorial staff.Consideration by curatorial staff to determine whether the object/collection warrants further evaluation for potential. This process involves, but is not limited to, the following steps: Submission of a Collections Information Form by a potential donor. Consideration by curatorial staff to determine whether the object/collection warrants further evaluation for potential acquisition Before accepting anything for the National Collection, the Museum must evaluate all material.Submission of a Collections Information Form by a potential donor.This process involves, but is not limited to, the following steps: The National Museum of African American History and Culture, like all other Smithsonian museums, hopes to benefit from donations of historical artifacts, archival documents, and works of art. Before accepting anything for the National Collection, the Museum must evaluate all material.
